Water & Sewer Bill to be mailed by January 1st and is due: February 1st
Tax Bill was mailed in August, 3rd quarter is due: February 15th
Winter Parking Ban is in effect from Dec 1st through March 31st -
NO STREET PARKING 12:00 midnight until 6:00am
Slide 2
Water & Sewer Bill to be mailed by January 1st and is due: February 1st
Tax Bill was mailed in August, 3rd quarter is due: February 15th
Winter Parking Ban is in effect from Dec 1st through March 31st -
NO STREET PARKING 12:00 midnight until 6:00am

Slide 3
Water & Sewer Bill to be mailed by January 1st and is due: February 1st
Tax Bill was mailed in August, 3rd quarter is due: February 15th
Winter Parking Ban is in effect from Dec 1st through March 31st -
NO STREET PARKING 12:00 midnight until 6:00am

Slide 4
Water & Sewer Bill to be mailed by January 1st and is due: February 1st
Tax Bill was mailed in August, 3rd quarter is due: February 15th
Winter Parking Ban is in effect from Dec 1st through March 31st -
NO STREET PARKING 12:00 midnight until 6:00am
Slide 5
Water & Sewer Bill to be mailed by January 1st and is due: February 1st
Tax Bill was mailed in August, 3rd quarter is due: February 15th
Winter Parking Ban is in effect from Dec 1st through March 31st -
NO STREET PARKING 12:00 midnight until 6:00am

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City Hall will be closed Monday February 17, 2025 for President's Day
For all candidates running for on election on March 4, 2025
The following is a reminder from the Legal Department and the Building Department:
Rutland City Ordinance Chapter 1 Sign Regulations, section 1404 (4):
(4) Signs providing information or promotion of an item that will appear on an election ballot are allowed, provided they are erected no more than three weeks before an election and are removed the day after the election. Such signs shall be no more than six square feet. Any person erecting a sign of this nature is responsible for its removal.
Your voice is needed! Rutland City’s Homeless Response Coordinators are interested in your experiences with housing and/or homelessness in Rutland. Please submit your comments using the google form linked below. Housing and/or Homelessness in Rutland Survey

City Streetlight Survey

Dec 2024 City of Rutland HAA5 Public Notice

For more information relating to the notice that you got with your water bill relating to disinfection byproducts, please click the following link:

Disinfection Byproducts

FY26 BOA Approved Budget - Voter Approval needed in March 2025

FY26 General Fund Budget Summary

FY26 General Fund Budget Detail


The Rutland City Water Department is working with MSK Engineers to observe service lines throughout the City and prepare a service line inventory.  Please be on the lookout for a letter from MSK Engineers.  MSK can help you schedule an observation for your water pipe or photograph the pipe yourself.  You can submit a photograph of your water pipe at any time.  Follow the link below to visit the online form: Water Line Self-Inspection Form.  This work is being conducted to meet new federal drinking water regulations (USEPA's Lead and Copper Rule Revisions).

Submission Link:


Rutland City's Rental Rehab Revolving Loan Fund

This Week the City of Rutland release it's Rental Rehab Revolving Loan Fund - This fund is focused on the revitalization of market rate housing in our community. With a target goal of 1000 new housing units over the next 5 years, this fund will help inspire growth and revitalization of housing in Rutland City
