The City does not mark out utilities such as telephone or fiber optic. Our technician will mark out the water and sewer lines the City is responsible for. Dig Safe must be called by the contractor and all lines must be marked before any excavation can begin along with the proper permits.
Permits can be viewed and printed in .PDF format. Don’t have Adobe Acrobat? Click here to get the latest free version. These permits are to print and to be filled out. Please bring to the DPW Office for proper approvals.
We accept cash or check only.
AOT Excess Weight Permit
Barricade City Streets Permit
Groundwater Discharge Permit
Hydrant Use Permit
Monitor Well Installation Permit
Water and Sewer Permit Page 1
Water and Sewer Permit Page 2
Water Off and On Permit
Sidewalk & Curb Policy 07-08-2016
2017 Standard Conditions for Buried Conduits
Water/Sewer New Connection/Relay/Disconnect/Sprinkler
The water and sewer lines must be marked by our technician before any excavation can begin. Dig Safe must be called for any other utilities such as telephone or fiber optic. Neither the City of Rutland, nor the Department of Public Works guarantees the accuracy of the marked out infrastructure. Any damage caused to public infrastructure will be the sole responsibility of the Property Owner.
The permit is a .pdf file and can be printed below. Be sure to read the conditions carefully.
Water/Sewer New Connection/Relay/Disconnect/Sprinkler – required for a new construction and any work that is necessary on the property owner’s water and/or sewer pipes. An example would be a new construction project, fixing or replacing pipes, disconnecting because of demolition, a new sprinkler system for fire protection. The cost for the water permit is $500.00. This includes the $470.00 for the deposit and the $30.00 permit fee. The permit fee is not refundable. The deposit is required and is an initial payment for the work. The work will be billed on a time and materials basis. If the cost of work exceeds the deposit, the property owner will be billed for the additional amount. If the cost of the work is less than the deposit, the balance will be refunded.
The Sewer Permit cost is $1,000.00. This includes a deposit of $970.00 and the non-refundable permit fee of $30.00. The deposit is required and is an initial payment for the work. In the event that the cost of work exceeds the deposit, the property owner will be billed for the additional amount. If the cost is less than the deposit, the balance will be refunded. For new construction (commercial and residential), a Interim Sewer Allocation Application is required. This is based on the gallons per day (GPD) amount. For a single family home the sewer allocation fee is $840.00. For a multi-family home, the cost is based on the number of bedrooms and the number of units. For a commercial property, the sewer allocation is based on the type of business. If a business is changed, for example, from a restaurant to a day care, the sewer allocation may need to be increased or it could stay the same.
For a new construction, Building and Zoning Permits must be secured before we issue our permit. The relays do not require a Building and Zoning Permit.
Digging in the Street – required when a homeowner or contractor wishes to dig in the city’s right of way. This includes digging up a sidewalk or in the street. These are necessary when a current driveway needs to be changed or a contractor is installing fiber optics. A sketch is required when the permit is applied for. This permit is on the Water/Sewer New Connection/Relay/Disconnect/Sprinkler permit. The Digging in the Street permit is not required when a Water and/or Sewer permit is applied for. The cost is $20.00.
Curb Cut – required when a homeowner or contractor wishes to install a new driveway. A sketch is required when the permit is applied for. This permit is on the Water/Sewer New Connection/Relay/Disconnect/Sprinkler permit. The Curb Cut permit is not required when a Water and/or Sewer permit is applied for. The cost is $10.00.
Water and Sewer Permit 2013
Curb Cut Policy
Hydrant Flow Test and Results
This permit is required when a contractor needs hydrant flow test information for a new construction or for insurance purposes. An appointment is made with the Water Division as they must be present to run the hydrant. No one is allowed to open a hydrant. The cost is $50.00.
The permit and results form is a .pdf file and can be printed below.