1. To everyone: city officials, state representatives and anyone else on the stage…Yes or no only! 
    1. Would you support a stand your ground law?
      On behalf of the Mayor’s Office, I am supportive of exploring options that will provide more security and comfort to the City’s and State’s residents.
    2. Would you support bail reform making it harder on criminals to be out on the streets?
      On behalf of the Mayor’s Office, I am supportive of legislative reform to ensure that criminals will adhere to court dates and ensure the adjudication of criminal offenses.
    3. Would you support making it harder on repeat offenders?
      On behalf of the Mayor’s Office, I am supportive of the strategies proposed by the panelist on Thursday, the week of October 29 – one such measure being the proposal the elevates the crime for multiple offenses.
  2. The question is known criminal drug houses specifics about stopping it

Not generalities

Are you going to use city departments to enforce laws on Health , Fire and Building codes

City Staff are trying to utilize the ordinances to the best of their ability in addressing noncriminal-related offenses.  On Wednesday, October 25, the City’s Building Department presented the work they’ve conducted over the past year in addressing various issues – largely related to aesthetics, health and welfare.  Frequently, our City’s building inspectors and emergency response employees are addressing issues relating to social services, areas where they are not necessarily trained for.  Oftentimes, these matters are very time consuming and require follow-up, putting additional strain on our City’s Staff.

To assist our Employees, as of Monday, November 6, the Board of Health is now a functioning entity that will hopefully provide more options in addressing those buildings and units in squalor or presenting public health-related issues.  The City’s Building & Zoning Department continues to strive towards contacting residents to ensure compliance with the City’s building ordinances, including trash-related matters.

  1. What can be done about criminal aggressive pan handlers
    Both city and state have laws about it

    Unfortunately, the City is limited in the restrictions that it can place on pan handlers, as our understanding that there is a protected right. However, the City requires pan handlers to register through the Clerk’s Office.  In addition, the City has recently completed a digital application that will allow residents to sign-up that excludes their residence from pan handler.  This module is called the “No-Knock” application.  When a pan handler registers with the City, this list will be forwarded to them.  Those interested are welcome to register by clicking here.




  1. Where are you looking to build housing ? Specifically
    Are you going to encourage builders ? Or is it going to the trust?
    As a follow up did you see the article where a town promised 1000 homes and failed?
    Prop 250 kills everything

    The Mayor’s Office specifically submitted an application to the Department of Family Services to create transition housing units in the Park Street area. In regards to the 1,000 unit goal that was announce a couple months ago, this objective is to address all housing types for all income levels, and not exclusive to one demographic.  While the goal of 1,000 units is aggressive, this underlying message to prospective community members is that the City is encourage housing.  For our part, the City’s Planning Commission is working tirelessly on updated the Zoning Regulations to facilitate additional housing, and various offices in City Hall are in consistent contact with the legislature and their representatives to alleviate the restrictions Act 250 is causing.  Also playing a major role in in encouraging housing is the Home Act (Act 47), which was passed in July 2023.  This new law now mandates that three and four dwelling units are to be permitted uses where there is municipal water & sewer infrastructure.  This effectively requires every area of the City to allow for at least three or four dwelling units.
  2. IS it going to be live televised ? Or recorded
    The Thursday, November 2, 2023 Public Safety Meeting at the Paramount Theatre was recorded and can be found by clicking here.
  3. How are you going to rebuild the Police department ?
    Why did they stop issuing reports like other PD
    The Mayor’s Office is in constant communication with the Chief of Police about vacancy within the Department. We continue to explore new methods to recruit officers, as well as find new strategies.  As mentioned at the November 6, 2023 Board of Aldermen meeting, the budget presented proposed an increase in our officers pay to make more competitive.  Over the last few years, our Officers have seen a decline in salary compared to the State-wide average, and therefore, this is expected to help resolve that issue.  Also, to report, the City currently has 6 candidates that have passed background checks and accepted into the academy.  We hope to have a good success rate to add to our Department.Regarding the issuance of reports, he Police Department does conduct a meeting reviewing data at RutStat every other Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM, in addition to Project Vision, who meets the second Thursday of every month. There are daily updates for Police Department logs here on the city website.
  4. If you fail to rein in crime
    Will you resign?

    Various Departments and our City’s Staff continually to work on the challenges that have stemmed from increased crime, that has been on the rise prior to my inauguration on March 15, 2023. I will continue to explore all possibilities and consider all options in addressing the increased crime, which is not only a community-crisis, but a State-wide crisis, and am dedicated to this community to try to reduce criminal activity through the powers and authority that have been delegated to the City and my office for as long as I am in office.




  1. Will the public be allowed to speak?
    Will groups ?

    Due to the feedback we received, a second meeting on November 29th is scheduled to allow residents and community members to ask questions.
  2. How do you feel about giving our citizens more legal rights to defend themselves and their own property.
    We continue to encourage people to contact the Police Department should any criminal activity be observed or experienced, or should yourself be put in physical harm. City Staff, nor our emergency responders, want to see any resident being harm or committing harm.  While frustrating that some of the laws on the books do not have the enforcement mechanisms we all desire, please continue to contact our legislative representatives to pass laws that allow our Police Officers to respond to the issues we are observing.
  3. What exactly is the City using to fluoridate our public water supply. Dr Harry Chen of Vermont Health reported it

was not from the fertilizer industry as well as other falsehoods that influenced election outcome & never corrected  by previous leadership.
The Mayor’s Office understanding is that there is a petition being circulating to put the issue of fluoride on the ballot.  Therefore, at this time, City residents will likely have the opportunity to determine for themselves about the use of fluoride in the City’s water supply.

  1. What actions will local politicians be taking to protect their communities?
    Speaking only from the Mayor’s point of view, I have generally approached the position as handle four major areas: 1) as the manager of the City overseeing City Staff; 2a) being the spokesperson for the City; 2b) lobbying and advocating on behalf of the City, and 3) being a municipal entrepreneur and networking for the City. Different from past administrations, I have strived to market, promote and lobby Rutland with various prospective developers.  In addition, I have been in constant communication our legislative delegation to advocate on behalf of Rutland citizens; being in communication and arranged meetings with State cabinet members; as well as being in consistent communications with the Governor and his office.  Connecting with high level State officials has shown to be invaluable, and will continue to be invaluable as they continue to learn about the issues Rutland is facing.  The Governor’s attendance at the public meeting is a monumental achievement for the Rutland community and I am confident that his attendance will result in positive changes moving forward.  I intend to be in constant communication with top level State Officials, as well as lobbying and advocating on behalf of the City in the upcoming legislative session come January-May.  Lastly, I am continuing to explore what options can be done internally to assist City Staff in addressing issues, which will include various ordinance changes in the coming year that will directly and indirectly assist us as we move forward.
  2. What actions will local politicians take to change the current judicial legislature that condone catch and release of habitual offenders that are wreaking havoc in our city and state?
    During the November 2 meeting, a large discussion ensue about what measures could be taken to address the catch and release of habitual offenders. The Mayor’s Office is in support of amendments to this policy/law, and will be providing whatever support is needed to assist our congressional delegation.
  3. What will our local law makers, politicians, healthcare experts do to help stop the addiction crisis in our city and state? Why are taxpayers money and funding being used for free Narcan and drug testing strips?
    First and foremost, the Mayor’s Office is supportive of trying to address the underlying cause of a lot of the issues we are experiencing in our community.  Unfortunately, the addiction crisis cannot single-handedly be tackled by one community alone.  Wherever I can provide support in addressing this crisis, I will try to do so.  For those unaware, the City has commenced receiving payments from a settlement relating to the opioid epidemic, which the City can appropriate towards prevention, treatment and other addiction recovery supports.  While the monies received are a drop in the bucket in tackling the crisis, the City will try to allocate the settlement payments towards resources that can help alleviate issues stemming from the epidemic.
  4. What are our law makers going to do about the homeless crisis. Our hotels are overrun. the program was ending so the state could get back on track. Each homeless individual in the hotel voucher program got $3750 for first last and security- to find a new place. The program never ended, they got to keep the money and our hotel motel situation is even worse. An explanation of where this funding is coming from and why thousands upon thousands is being wasted?
    Similar to the addiction crisis/opioid epidemic, the homelessness crisis is also a nationwide issue that is hard to address as one single community.  However, that has not stopped the City from exploring all options necessary to end homelessness.  The City, with its housing partners, are meeting on a biweekly basis to strategy on how the City can promote and facilitate more housing across all income spectrums and housing types.City Staff recognizes the issues that have been emerging from the hotels; however, there is little the City can do.  Like any private entity, the business largely has control over how they conduct their business.  The State’s voucher program is a sanctioned use that seven of the eight hotels are taking advantage of, and the State has effectively blocked the best methods the City could use to create accountability.  In July of 2023, when the Home Act (Act 47) went into effect, municipalities are to allow those hotels enrolled in a State voucher program to be use as a shelter, and that municipalities are not to penalize or prohibit hotels to be used as such.  Consequently, there is little recourse for the City to reclaim its hotel stock until the hotel owners themselves make that change.

    However, that has not stopped the City from exploring what can be addressed.  City Staff is compiling relevant information to see how many resources have been spent on the hotels and the strain on infrastructure they may or may not be creating.  The City is currently exploring updating their ordinance to assist the Building & Zoning Department in addressing issues that may emerge when inspecting the hotels.  The Building & Zoning Department on a weekly basis has been rotating scheduled inspections with the seven hotels enrolled in the State voucher program.  Over the course of conducting these inspections, the hotels have been forced to closed rooms until renovated.  Lastly, the Mayor’s Office has a monthly meeting with the hotels to discuss ongoing problems stemming from them.  Staff will continue to explore any and all options available to help resolve the issues around the hotel recognizing that our community suffers in more ways than one with the hotels not function as intended (i.e. decreased tourism and lodging opportunities, which results in decreased commerce for the community).




  1. I know that RPD is significantly understaffed and therefore is unable to keep up with the overwhelming rise of crime in this city. Is anything being done to recruit more officers? I, personally, don’t think there is enough incentive to recruit new officers. Is anything being done in regards to a pay raise, or an increase in benefits to enhance recruitment?
    As provided in Question 6, the proposed budget to the Board of Aldermen includes an increased pay rate to better align with the average salary of police officers across the State. In addition, the Police Department is exploring other benefits to attract officers We continue to be diligent in our recruitment efforts, as we have six prospective officers entering the academy this upcoming session.  We are optimistic that they will join our force in the future.
  2. Statistics have shown a significant increase in crime rate in cities who have a high population of homelessness, drug use, and mental illness. It seems the state of Vermont fosters these three characteristics by continuously increasing the time for hotel vouchers, enabling the “catch and release” system in our courts, and NOT doing enough to treat mental illness. RRMC , being Rutland’s only hospital, is overwhelmed by the amount of patients they see on a daily basis with mental illness. WHY IS THIS?? As a taxpayer, I would GLADLY vote on these issues. And why are the criminals “catch and release”. I grew up in this city. I’m 60 years old. This was never the way it was. Why is it this way now? Thank you
    There is no one event that can be pointed too in regards to how everything has unfolded; however, what likely accelerated a lot of the issues was the COVID-19 pandemic.  All of us here at City Hall, residents, and community members are vested in reviving our community and addressing the issues to make Rutland City more of a destination that what is was in the past.
  3. This is not so much a question as it is a statement. I’m an RN at RRMC. I see who comes through the doors of the ER. My home was also broken into, while I was at work and putting myself through school, a few years ago. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that the hard working people in this community are sick and tired of feeling afraid, violated, and being made to feel like second class citizens because we are being violated by criminals, who seem to have more rights than us. I am deeply concerned that vigilante justice is going to go to the extreme. Our honest citizens will end up in prison because of vigilante justice, while our drug users, drug dealers, thieves, etc still have everything handed to them. Instead of building more “low income housing” why aren’t we building more beds for the mentally insane, why aren’t we building more jail cells. Why are we paying for Narcan, when diabetics have to pay a fortune for glucagon? Thus all the anger. The message that the hard working people are getting is, “quit your job, you’ll be better off” because the state of Vermont will enable all of your living needs. I always feel like when I’m in that voting booth, I’m voting for someone who will address these needs. Sadly, it hasn’t happened yet.
    City Hall and our community members sympathize and empathize with your concerns as do I. As provided in many of the answers to the questions throughout this Question and Answer, City government is working as hard as they can to address the issues and concerns you have provided to the fullest of our authority.  We encourage residents to continue to reach out the local delegation and State legislature, which I will also be doing as my role as Mayor.




  1. What is being done to address criminals who repeatedly commit offenses, get released on no bond, and immediately return to the community to commit additional crimes? Business owners are fed up of having no accountability for criminal behavior, and the culture is one of a free for all rather than a law and order society.
    City Staff are supportive of bail reform and criminal justice reform. We absolutely understand the frustration business owners are having, and we too would like to see accountability through these legislative initiatives to provide more peace of mind to the entire community. Accountability for ones actions is key.
  2. What are you going to do to reduce the rampant amount of drug trafficking in Rutland. And what are you going to do to reduce the amount of crime as a whole. The “catch and release” phenomenon is absurd. Bad people need to be taken off the streets and KEPT off the streets.
    The Police Department continues its efforts regarding drug trafficking, and have made consistent “raids” over the past few years. While the lead time to executing a “raid” is longer than desired, the City has often been successful, and will continue to surveil and investigate all drug trafficking crimes.  Fortunately, we are able to get help from federal agencies such as the DEA, Homeland Security and the FBI.  We absolutely agree that those committing high level offenses, such as drug trafficking, need to be appropriated handled through the judiciary branch of our government.
  3. What is the city doing to recruit more police officers to the force?
    See Question 6 and Question 15.
  4. What are the cities representatives doing in Montpelier to fight for change?
    One way that I am advocating for our community is by having more of a presence in Montpelier. By having more of a presence at the State’s capitol, the hope is that it will provide more of a voice for our community.  In the upcoming legislative session, I intend to be there on a weekly to biweekly basis to ensure that this community is heard as impactful legislation is being passed.  To make more of an impact, I am also in communication with other municipalities with the hopes of providing power in numbers.  See Question 11 for more information.
  5. Why does Burlington get funding for their crime issues but, Rutland gets nothing?
    At this time, I cannot state what the specific difference is in regards to funding; however, I will ensure that the City is being advocated for as it relates to funding pertaining to crime-related issues. As provided above, I will be striving to have a presence in Montpelier to ensure that our community’s positions are heard on impactful legislation.
  6. Why doesn’t the city do something regarding the hotels?
    See Question 14.
  7. What are you and the Board of Alderman going to do to put pressure on the Vermont Legislature to enact emergent legislation to mitigate the 2018 no bail law?
    See Questions 11 and 21.




  1. Do you and the Board of Alderman agree that the 2018 no bail/no hold law creates consequence free recidivism and the individuals with multiple arrests are terrorizing law-abiding citizens in Rutland City, Rutland Town and all those in Rutland County who rely on coming to Rutland for needed services and groceries? If you agree what are you going to do about it?
    The Mayor’s Office agrees that the current bail laws are not impactful enough to execute the intended outcome. The Mayor’s Office is supportive of the proposed changes discussed at the November 2 meeting and we will be advocating for these changes during the next legislative session.
  2. What are the best practices for citizens to help prevent the rise of crime in the city?
    As provided during the November 2 meeting, we continue to encourage residents and community members to call the Police Department for crime-related activity (see something, say something). In addition, installation of lights in dark locations also serve as a deterrent, as well as locking automobiles (an overwhelming majority theft crimes relating to cars involve unlocked cars).  Please be aware that we are not looking to blame any resident; these methods are easy precautions to take to reduce potentially preventable criminal-related activity. We are also looking at starting a neighborhood watch program again as a way for individuals to get involved directly.
    While not all questions that submitted were directly answered, much of the content conveyed at the meeting and in this document overlapped with one another.  We thought by organizing the meeting in that it was, it would allow us to cover the most ground and content.  With the amount of feedback we received, we have decided to conduct another meeting in the coming future to allow for any questions that may not have been answered.  See Question 8 for more information.
    For anyone who may have any questions about any City-related matter, we recommend reaching out to the appropriate Department to obtain that information.  We understanding that we are public entity and that we work for the residents and business of this community and that the business being conducted is public information. My office is always open for questions, an my contact information is posted on the city website.




  1. You say you took nothing from the police budget, yet in a herald article. It states you used surplus funds,  police department included,  to spend 560,000 on administrative positions. Couldn’t the surplus budget in the police department have been used to attract more law enforcement?  Also,  if out police force grows,  how will you pay them since you used their money for administrator’s?
    As provided during the November 6, 2023 Board of Aldermen meeting, I did in fact propose to the Board of Aldermen to reallocate approximate $460,000 in surplus from the previous year’s budget to expend on new position and previously existing positions in the City.  Similar to the budgeting process, I had made this recommendation to the Board of Aldermen, which was subsequently heard and discussed at a subcommittee meeting – the Finance Committee.  The funding and positions were then approved by the Board of Aldermen.  To note, that surplus was not entirely produced by the Police Department, but amongst many line items in the budget.While I understand that these positions have been controversial, having adequate and qualified City Staff is imperative in provide taxpayers the best services.  Thus, below are the four positions that were approved by the Board of Aldermen and the value they will bring taxpayers:


  • Department of Public Works Commissioner. During the last administration, the City Engineer and Department of Public Works Commissioner positions were combined into one position.  While this had be done in the past, and serves a way to save money, we effectively had two high level positions being performed by one person (who had the qualifications and experience of doing so).  As a result, two fulltime positions being conducted by one person, regardless of who is in the position, will result in diminishing returns and not maximizing output.  As a result, severing these two positions back to what they once were was imperative and has proven to increase efficiency and output.
  • Engineer Technician. This is an important position because it will allow a second person to gain experience and knowledge of the City’s infrastructure, rather than all of the knowledge being possessed one person.  Should that person ever leave the position, the City will be harmed in the fact that that institutional knowledge is lost, thus creating potential issues in the future.
  • Executive Administrator. Outlined in Question 11, I am striving to expand the role of the Mayor in effort to open up the community to more opportunities.  I view this as imperative for the growth of our City and the means to resolving these criminal-related issues – the subject of the meeting.  Expanding the role effectively however, requires the assurance that there is a constant line of communication with me and a point of contact, in addition to handling and preparing some of the administrative tasks.  Thus, this position will allow me in my role as Mayor to maximize my availability and output to the fullest extent and advocate for the City to the highest level possible.  I understand that I serve the Rutland City community and am not using this position as a shield, but rather, allowing this position to facilitate as much contact with the Office as possible.
  • Assistant Zoning Administrator. The City of Rutland is the largest (population-wise) community in Vermont without a fulltime planning position, with some communities have a two-thirds to half the population and employing multiple people within the Planning & Zoning Department.  I view the Planning Department as instrumental in propelling forward and revitalizing our community.  The Planning Department, when given the necessary resources, plays a major role in connecting the various Departments to ensure that future outlook of the City, via public engagement, is implemented accordingly.  A city with a dedicated Planning Department is significant regarding beautification, expanding housing, ensuring properly developed neighborhoods and more.  Currently, our Planning & Zoning Administrator covers both the Planning Department and Zoning Department, with priority always given to zoning due to the role zoning plays in current development projects.  As a result, the City lacks a dedicated staff person to handle the City’s planning endeavors, which ultimately negatively impacts the City.


In regards to the money being utilized towards attracting more Police Officers, the recruitment process is tediously long and can take six to ten months from the commencing of recruitment to joining the force.  Given the number of officers that had been recruited at the time and the outlook of the remaining fiscal year, the likelihood of exceeding the Police Department’s budget with new Officers was minute, thus not impacting this year’s fiscal year.  Furthermore, the City is putting a lot of resources into recruitment and hiring officers.



I intend to continue restoring the necessary numbers of officers in our Police Department, and as we fill open positions, we will continue to review next steps in ensuring we are properly staffed at the RCPD

  1. Why did you receive over seventy five thousand dollars from lobbiest in Washington DC and California
    As reported at https://campaignfinance.vermont.gov/Public/ReceiptsList, I received $12,281.00 from 30 contributors for the 2023 Mayoral Election. Those donations that came from out of State were either family-related and/or friends.
  2. What are you doing to stop making Rutland Vermont attractive to a criminal element?
    As provided in various questions above, the City has limited authority to directly impact criminal activity through ordinances. City Staff continue to explore ways to maximize their responses to criminal activity.  In addition, I am striving to make more a political presence in Montpelier to try to make an impact from the top, down.
  3. I hear the city police are talking walkout if things don’t change soon. Is that truly the case and what are you prepared to do about it. Their underpaid and understaffed. Taxpayers don’t feel safe in their homes and the judicial system is broken.
    I am unaware of any potential walkout; however, to our Police Officers: you are immensely important to this community and immeasurably valued. We are working towards increasing the pay of our officers so that they are better situated in comparison to the average officer’s salary in the State of Vermont.
  4. On average, property tax rates in Rutland County are among the highest in the state. Rutland County’s average effective property tax rate is 2.13%. Compare this to the 1.73% state average and the 0.99% national average.
    We truly aren’t getting our moneys worth and with the spike in crime in the city we need an answer now. We don’t need new crosswalks and tulip chairs. We need to feel safe in our community and we don’t. What is your plan to lower taxes and make this community safe again.
    We recognize that the City’s tax rate is high. We continue to search for ways to save money for the taxpayer, noting doing so has been incredibly difficult in recent years due to the quick steady incline of services and materials.  Last year’s proposed budget unfortunately has not helped with this year’s budget.  While other communities around us saw upwards of 8% due to inflation, the City found ways to keep the increase under 3%, which is now contributing a noticeable increase in the purposed budget.However, there does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel.  With the newly passed 1% sales tax, they will allow the City to address capital projects that were either not planned for or built into the general operating budget.  Once the City’s Capital Improvement Program is adopted (Fall of 2025), we will then be able to be more fiscally aware of high-cost impending services.  In addition, the 1% sales tax revenue will be allocated towards the pension revenue.  Currently, the City budgets through the operating budget of about $800,000 to $1,000,000 a year to contribute to the pension deficit.  The influx of money from the 1% sales tax revenue will allow the City to pay off the deficit faster, which will result in less money needing to be appropriate in the general operating budget.
  5. Routes 4 and 7 at rush hour is a mess now and with a road diet you won’t be able to merge onto them from side roads. The adjacents streets will become race tracks to circumnavigate the traffic jams. Why was this even considered and who takes responsibility when accidents or pedestrians are involved in the aftermath.
    At this time, the City is reserving this forum to discuss public safety-related questions or questions that can be quickly answered.
  6. How do we go about opening up long term rehabilitation programs in place of short term prison sentences for non violent offenders with addiction issues?
    The Mayor’s Office supports treatment programs for nonviolent offenders with addiction issues. The most impactful means will likely come from the Vermont legislature; however, for those who have suggestions on how we can approach this matter on a local level, please contact City Hall.  I will also explore with City Staff what proactive measures can be done on a local level to support these programs.
  7. How do we go about incentives for landlords to put cameras on their property in legal ways that do not impose on tenants to combat criminal activity? (Anyone who rents should be allowed to put up cameras without it affecting their ability to housed as well. Some landlords do not allow it.)
    My Office will need to explore to see if there is anything the Board of Aldermen can do to incentivize the installation of cameras on multi-family dwellings. While not directly relating, the City is exploring having landlords register their units with the City, which will assist the City with assembling contact information.
  8. Censor lights on our Streets would help with lowering our City’s electric bill and add an element of security in place of the lights that are on permanently
    The City will explore where and if censor lights are appropriate for any streets in the City. Thank you for the suggestion.
  9. With all the crime and drug use around the city how are you going to address it?
    See Questions 18 and 26.
  10. Why do we never see police in our neighborhood, either on bikes or walking around?  We understand the under staffing issues so how do you intend to solve this?
    As suggested in the question, the Department being under-staffed is having a direct impact on officer exposure in our community.  We continue to look to fill the vacancies in the Police Department, with six candidates heading to the Academy in the coming months.  As the Police Department’s force grows, their exposure in the community is likely to rise again.  Over the last two years however, we have hired two Community Resource Officers, which helps the Department address some of the minor offenses being reported. That being said, I recognize the need for active police presence within our neighborhoods, and have asked the Chief to work with his staff to find ways to achieve this goal.
  11. I question the approval process and usage of unused budget from police vacancies.

Why would we not use this to recruit and more importantly retain officers that have been working countless hours.

They are burned out from dealing with the same criminals night after night.

I fully support the hard work they are doing and I think we need to provide better support from the top down to retain and recruit
In regards to the first question, the unused budgetary surplus did not impact this year’s fiscal year budget for the Police Department.  See Question 29 for more information.

  1. Regional Ambulance Service is failing to provide the standard of medical services the City has come to expect. They are losing employees, morale is low, and there is often not enough staff to respond to medical calls. What can the City do to change this? Why dont we fund the fire department for medical services?
    I will work towards having discussions with Regional Ambulance Service (RAS) on their needs and try to solicit potential ideas to support RAS with their employment issue.




  1. Can someone explain trespassing. One post of a person on their porch going through their things stated the police said there is nothing they can do because there were not any “” No trespassing”” signs posted




Currently Vermont law requires notice of some form to individuals to consider them trespassed when on private property: More info here – You can be pro-active by posting signs on your property to notify individuals that they are not welcome without your permission.


  1. Have you spoke with the DA as to what needs to be done with the court system? Meaning letting folks go on a cite is obviously not working because they are not showing for court so what is the plan moving forward.
    The City has been in consistent communication with the District Attorney’s (DA) Office. As outlined on November 2, the DA is running into issues relating some of the same laws that the City is running into.  Nevertheless, both the City and DA’s Office appear to be aligned on various reformations.  In addition, the Mayor’s Office has communicated with the Governor’s Office of the need to have additional judicial vacancies filled to hopefully alleviate the backlog of cases that have not yet been adjudicated.
  2. What can we do to bridge the communication gap between the police department and the public? VSP uses the VTAlert system which notifies folks of a large police presence or a road closure. Also, people like when the police department would issue press releases, but those are not happening. Could a system be put in place like VSPs blog site that will inform citizens of all criminal arrests, citations, and motor vehicle crashes. This could also be a civilian position embedded in the police department, similar to VSPs Marking Coordinator. They could be responsible for these press releases and also community engagement videos such as recruiting and events involving the police department.
    The City will explore different alert systems for the public to sign up for. In addition, as noted above, the Mayor’s Office will discuss with the Police of Chief about press releases. We are currently posting PD Logs on the city website.
  3. How are we going to make this town safe again for our young children?
    See Questions 8 and 26, as well as those questions relating to criminal justice reform. Like all of our community,  I want ourselves and our families and children to be safe.
  4. As a downtown merchant, I have seen a recent increase in theft, violence towards businesses and their employees, and an increase in drug-related crimes downtown (and across the area). This has also not gone unnoticed by my employees. What do you recommend for business owners to do when they hear from their employees that they don’t feel safe working after dark in downtown or working shifts alone?
    During the November 2 meeting, one proposal was to add lighting to exterior doors. The lack of lighting typically encourages criminal activity, and therefore, wherever we can minimize dark areas, that will assist.  Additionally, we encourage those not feeling safe walking in downtown after dark to arrange to walk with another person.  These are both good suggestions however this may not speak to all the options or concerns. My office will continue to work with the Police Department and our law makers to address these unwanted activities.
  5. What changes are being made to keep Rutland safe again?
    See Questions 8 and 26.
  6. What is happening to our judicial bureau system now a days?
    The judicial branch was impacted significantly by COVID-19 and has not really recovered. Due to the pandemic, a backlog of cases occurred, which was subsequently compounded with two judicial vacancies in our region.  The Mayor’s Office has been in touch with the Governor’s Office about the importance of the vacancies being filled, and has also been community with the Rutland County Delegation about the importance of reform.
  7. Why is our police force so short handed? This has never been a case in Rutland.

What is happening to our police force? Seems like crimes are being neglected.
Unfortunately, the Police Department experienced a lot of departures all in a short period of time – for reasons not relatedly to one another – and the Department has struggled to “catch up” in the hiring process.  The Department has been successful in recruiting new candidates; however, as explained above, the onboarding for a prospective officer can take between six to ten months.  In addition, this year in particular has been extremely impactful for the Department, as there were multiple officers injured in the line of duty, as well as the passing of Jessica Ebbighausen, who was killed in the line of duty. – We are constantly making every effort to fully staff our department, and provided the needed resources for our officers, and we will continue on that path.

  1. Was it made aware to the town and the parks and Rec department that the 1996 Cadillac Fleetwood Hearse was making a play on words for porn and essentially promoting it with the words “mourn hub” on the side of their vehicle? Is there a protocol that is in place already for reviewing the contestants floats the day of? How was this missed? If there is no protocol and “overlooked” what will be done to ensure there is a protocol in place like that next year so that the town is not promoting and normalizing a detrimental narrative to kids and adults?
    Should this not have been reported to the Recreational Department, I will ensure that it gets to communicated to them and try to inhibit that this happens again.
  2. What is going to be done about repeat offenders who are either let go with no bail or extremely low bail?
    See Questions 12 & 18.
  3. Yes or no answer only please. Do you support citizens helping to keep our community safe?
    The Mayor’s Office supports citizens helping keep our community safe in the appropriate manners. The City does not support criminal behavior to address criminal activity.
  4. Do you support Stand your Ground in Vermont?
    See Question 1.




  1. How often is public housing supervised by public officials or social workers and can there be stricter rules on those who are using public housing for drug trafficking?
    The City of Rutland does not own or oversee any housing relating properties. The Housing Trust of Rutland County and the Rutland Housing Authority as two non-profit organizations that coordinate and facilitate renting of units, most those affordable units.  These two organizations, like private landowners, are responsible for overseeing their properties.  Our understanding is that social workers visit those using the services when scheduled by the client.
  2. The Vermont Health Department came into this city in 2016 & mislead the Rutland community with lies including denying

that fluorosilicic acid is a byproduct of the fertilizer industry. The presence of fluorosilicic acid at our water facility in  Rutland town places an unneccessary risk on our City workers as well as the whole area as it can eat thru cement. Jeff Weinberg as Public works director in charge of fluoridation just snickered and never corrected that information. Will this admin be truthful this time and confirm publically that yes Rutland City has used fluorosilic acid. Pregnant women should not be drinking City water as it does cross the placenta.
See Question 10.

  1. Why are people who commits crimes over, and over again allowed to run free, to commit same crimes over and over again?
    See Question 1, 12 & 18.
  2. What can Rutland residents do to help our community?
    See Question 26.
  3. What is the city doing to help the police department to have the resources in which they need to combat the increased crime rates? Are additional funds going to be available in the next budget to help staff the police department, the way it should be?

See Questions 6, 15 and 20