Zoning Information & Permits


Have Questions?

Please contact: Andrew Strniste (Planning & Zoning Administrator)

Click this link to search for an address to see if it is located in a flood zone
FEMA Flood Map


When is a Zoning Permit required?

No development shall commence without a zoning permit issued by the zoning administrator.

Definition of Development

  • The division of a parcel into two or more parcels,
  • the construction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any building or other structure,
  • any mining, excavation or landfill, and
  • any change in the use of any building or other structure, or land, or extension of use of land.


No zoning permit is required for the following, unless otherwise required by Rutland City Flood Hazard Area Regulations 

(NOTE: building permit may still apply)

  • Fences eight feet or less in height or walls six feet or less in height.
  • Terraces and steps which are not covered.
  • Doghouses, swing sets, driveways, flagpoles and other such structures.
  • A detached structure of not more than sixty-four square feet with a longest dimension of no greater than sixteen feet and located five or more feet from the side or rear lot line.
  • Landscaping/fill.
  • Minor structural modifications/repairs.
  • Any repair, structural alteration or alteration of any building or other structure which does not change the use or footprint or increase the square footage of said structure.
  • Fire escapes.
  • Utility boxes.
  • Demolition of a structure except as provided in § 31-210 herein.
  • Satellite dish up to five feet in diameter and antennas up to twenty feet beyond the height of the building.
  • Temporary structure if removed within 10 days after the primary project is to be completed.


  • Zoning Administrator (ZA) reviews application for completeness and contacts applicant if more information is needed
  • ZA reviews complete application and consults regulations to determine if the project can be:

o   Approved administratively without review by the Development Review Board (DRB) or Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

o   An application needs to be made to the DRB and/or ARC for consideration

  • If administrative approval is appropriate, ZA will sign the permit.
  • If not, the permit is held until DRB (or ARC) review is complete and a decision is issued by those committees.
  • If DRB/ARC decides in favor of the project, Zoning Permit is then issued by the ZA.

Once permit is signed, what happens next?

  • A sign is posted (in a place that is visible from the nearest public right-of-way) alerting neighbors that a permit has been issued.  This sign remains in place for the 15-day appeal period.
  • At the end of the 15-day appeal period, if no appeal has been filed, the permit is officially in effect.
  • A copy of the fully authorized permit is mailed to the applicant and land owner.
  • A copy of the permit is filed in the land records.
  • If you change your project, you must amend the permit to update the plans.

Permit Information & Application (please go to the home page under the scrolling pictures and click on the green button Building/Zoning & DPW Permits)


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