Water & Sewer Due: May 1st
Property Taxes Due: May 15th
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Water & Sewer Due: May 1st
Property Taxes Due: May 15th
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Water & Sewer Due: May 1st
Property Taxes Due: May 15th
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Water & Sewer Due: May 1st
Property Taxes Due: May 15th
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Water & Sewer Due: May 1st
Property Taxes Due: May 15th
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Health Department Rabies Notice

The Health Department noted a recent case of rabies in a fox in the city/town of Rutland, Vermont.  Please take steps to protect humans and pets from rabies. If you are bitten by an animal: wash the wound very well with soap and water and contact your health care provider. Follow all their instructions. If your pet or farm animal was exposed to a wild Or stray animal that might have rabies: contact your veterinarian. Pets should be vaccinated for rabies. State law requires dogs and cats to be vaccinated — even barn cats. If you see a wild or stray animal acting strangely or are concerned about rabies exposure, call the Rabies Hotline (1-800-4-RABIES) or report it to your town's animal control officer. Do not touch or pick up wild or stray animals — even baby animals — or try to make them into pets. Doing so can put yourself or your family at risk of exposure through a bite or a scratch. You can't tell if an animal has rabies just by looking at it. Interacting with young wildlife may result in them being orphaned or, if tested for rabies, requires humanely euthanizing the animal. So, for their own sake, leave wildlife in the wild. Rabies is a deadly viral disease of the brain that infects mammals and is fatal to both humans and animals. In Vermont, rabies is most commonly found in Wild animals such as raccoons, skunks, foxes, bats, and woodchucks. Cats, dogs, and livestock can also get rabies if they have not been vaccinated. Rabies virus is spread through the bite of an infected animal. Rabies is transmitted only when the virus is introduced into a bite wound, open cuts on the skin, or onto mucous membranes like the mouth or eyes. Learn more about rabies in Vermont — visit www.healthvermont.eov/rabies. ____________________________________________________________

City Streetlight Survey

Fonsi Home CDBG Forest Street


City of Rutland HAA5 Public

For more information relating to the notice that you got with your water bill relating to disinfection byproducts, please click the following link:

Disinfection Byproducts

FY25 Voter Approved Budget

FY25 Budget - Summary

FY25 Budget - Detail


The Rutland City Water Department is working with MSK Engineers to observe service lines throughout the City and prepare a service line inventory.  Please be on the lookout for a letter from MSK Engineers.  MSK can help you schedule an observation for your water pipe or photograph the pipe yourself.  You can submit a photograph of your water pipe at any time.  Follow the link below to visit the online form: Water Line Self-Inspection Form.  This work is being conducted to meet new federal drinking water regulations (USEPA's Lead and Copper Rule Revisions).

Submission Link:


Rutland City's Rental Rehab Revolving Loan Fund

This Week the City of Rutland release it's Rental Rehab Revolving Loan Fund - This fund is focused on the revitalization of market rate housing in our community. With a target goal of 1000 new housing units over the next 5 years, this fund will help inspire growth and revitalization of housing in Rutland City
