Ordinances & Policies

This section has links to the various ordinances and policies that pertain to the Department of Public Works. Also has links for specifications for water and sewer work.

Effective April 9, 2012, the following is a change to the Sidewalk Policy.

Sidewalk work to be done by the Department of Public Works (DPW) shall be emphasized in the following categories:

  • Replacing defective sidewalk that creates a hazard to pedestrians
  • Upgrading sidewalk to conform to accessibility standards
  • Sidewalk disturbed by street or utility construction
  • New sidewalk in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic

A list of sidewalks proposed to be constructed or reconstructed in the current and next fiscal year shall be established and maintained by the Commissioner of Public Works. The list shall be prioritized based upon the categories listed above. The work shall be done as resources allow. Monies used to accomplish this work shall be those monies appropriated in the approved DPW budget for the fiscal year along with any grant or other funds secured specifically for sidewalk work.

A property owner may request a replacement or new sidewalk along the street abutting his/her property by submitting a completed “Sidewalk Request Form” to the Department of Public Works. The Commissioner will assign the work to the schedule based upon the prioritization procedure described above. The cost of any new sidewalk will be charged to the property owner at an established rate per square foot that reflects approximately one half of the historic cost.

Alternatively, a property owner may, at his/her’s own expense, contract with a private contractor to perform the work provided that the performance of such work is not contrary to any City Ordinances or provisions of the City/Union Contract. A written request shall be submitted to the Commissioner who will either grant or deny the request in writing. If granted the work must be done by a contractor experienced in such work and to the standards as issued by the City Engineer. Before beginning the work the owner must secure a “Digging in the Street Permit” from DPW.


Frozen Water Lines Policy – revised 01-05-2015
Sight Ordinance
Streets Ordinance
Tree Ordinance
Sewer Allocation Sheet
Sewer Connection Specifications
Snow Ice Control Plan
Snow Routes Map
Backflow Prevention
Wastewater Collection Regulations
Water Resources Ordinance
Water Distribution Regulations – Revised 01-05-2015
Sidewalk & Curb Policy – Revised 07-08-2016
Sewage Collection Ordinance Chapter 13
Sewer Allocation Ordinance Chapter 14
Sewers and Drains Ordinance Chapter 15
Correction of Drainage onto City Street_Policy
Curb Cut Policy

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